Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Step By Step How To Make Your Own Incubator

Materials needed :
- Saws
- Hammer
- Gauge (meter/ ruler)
- Thermometer
- Thermostat
- Tray for water
ingredients :

- Plywood 3 mm in size 100 cm x 60cm
- Wood lath size of 3 cm x 4 cm
- Wire ram 1.5 meters
- Glass 2 mm (34 cm x 12 cm)
- 5 cm nail, nail plywood
- 8 pieces 5 watt bulb
- Hinges, wires, and plugs.

How to Make :

1. Pieces of wood lath with each length 60 cm = 8 pieces, 100 cm = 4 pieces for the frame.

2. Close sides using plywood.

3. Create also order for shelf space with the size of the egg:

- Length 940 mm
- Width 520 mm
- Thickness 20 mm wood
Attach the wire as a pedestal egg

4. Do not forget the side of the box to give ventilation. There is also a place in the top of the box. The same function, so that a change of air so as not stuffy inside.

5. Then make a door.

6. Attach fittings to place and Thermostat bulb at the ceiling.

Good luck!

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