Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Step By Step How To Make A Solar Bottle Lights

1. Drinking water bottle is actually clear;
2. Sealant (silicone adhesive);
3. Patch material zinc;
4. Liquid laundry bleach;

Step work :

1. Make a circular hole in the middle of a piece of zinc with the size of 1 cm radius smaller than the radius of a bottle of mineral to be used. Position to choose the right center of the hole in the back on the zinc or zinc trench.

2. Then create a piece of 1 cm long, parallel to the radius of the hole, circular holes along the outer ring with the distance between pieces of 1 to 2 cm.

3. Bend towards the top of each piece, then put adhesive sealant (silicone) along the inner circumference side of the hole.

4. Put the bottle into the hole after selant dries, the head position at the top of the bottle, 2/3 of the bottle under the zinc and the third section is at the top of zinc.

5. Then glue and close the gap between the walls of the bottle and zinc using a sealant. It would be better if similar material coated with roofing cement or roofing coatings to be sure there are no leaks or open space.

6. Fill the bottle with clear water until it is full and mixed with a liquid laundry bleach bottle caps.

7. Cover again with the bottle gives sealant on the inside and outside of the bottle cap.

8. Then the holes zinc roof of the building at the planned position. Proper hole size with a circumference about the size of a bottle.

9. Provide sealant around the hole on, and when dry attach a bottle to match the water line on the zinc roof with zinc pieces attached to the bottle.

10. Close the gap between the pieces of zinc with zinc roofs with roofing cement material to prevent leakage during rain.

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