Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Step By Step How To Make A Kite

Buy or make your own? Here are ways to make it:

Prepare the following materials:
1 piece of bamboo with a thin width + / - 1 cm and a length of + / - 80 cm, 1 piece of reed thin with a width of + / - 1 cm and a length of + / - 40 cm, tissue paper or wax paper to size according to the size of the reed, gam, ribbon rolls rather thick, rope or yarn, scissors, gam, paper "tracing"
How to Make:
Put the two crossed bamboo with a meeting point at one third of the longest bamboo bamboo Embed both by using a rope or thread.

Tie and plug it into four side reed with string or yarn to form a diamond. Now the order is complete kite, then put the kite frame on paper.

Sign the paper so that the shape of the kite frame. Add an extra 2.5 cm to the line of pieces.

The paper scissors following the line of the piece.

Fold the paper towards the back, and then attach to the frame using the gam.

For balance, add the tail of the rope or yarn about 1 meter long, tie the bottom portion kite. Step beyond, adding cutouts for jewelry.

Make a hole in the middle of the kite (close to crossing a bamboo frame) enter the kite string or yarn to the hole and tie to the crossover point, then another to tie the side under the framework of kites (long rope about 90cm).

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