Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Step By Step How To Change Clockwise Being Left Turn

1. Disassemble the clock casing, and remove all the needles n do not get bent / damaged.

2. Removing the machine clock (the bolt in front of Gan, below the clock).

3. Open the machine and flipping coil core positions / coil / coil. In machine hours are not always the same and depends on the brand machine hours, sometimes you have to slice / modify / her even glue holder so that a stable core coil. The principle is to reverse the "core". Close the back engine hours.

4. Those numbers change the clock. In certain circumstances such as the example below, you only need to replace / swap the positions of the numbers 3 and 9. Better if you  want to bother with making your own little lay out the numbers with the help Photoshop hour or Corel, etc.

5. Put needle, the needle must remember all 12 numbers. Then do not forget to attach the glass casing, battery n set at appropriate local time.

6. Completed.

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