Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

How to Make Your Own Mini Moon Banner

Step 1
Drill two small holes on each side of the wooden hoops .

Step 2 FebruaryThen paint all your circles in black wood.

Step 3 MarchOnce your circles are dry, go google '' moon phases. '' If you find an image / graphic that shows in every phase of the moon pressure. This will help you to keep track of what each stage looks like .Then start painting each moon phase with the gray color. I have to give a little glitter, shine my gray moons. 

Step 4 AprilIf your moon is dry, you can begin to connect them. To do this , simply cut a small piece of embroidery thread and feed each end on the back of your two wooden hoops . Then tie a knot in the front. Repeat this step until all the moons are connected .

Once all your moons are connected , go and some embroidery thread for '''' black moons at each end of your banner . This will create loops to hang your banner.

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